EURETEK is born from the need to group under one company, all activities of advanced research and advanced development of a small group of Neapolitan researchers. The objective is to research for innovation and diversify form traditional methods, with new methods that are unbiased that are widely experimented and agreed upon.
Researching and eliminating faults in an advanced system that is in constant development as in our western civilization, and in being part of the system, means to have the capacity to think in a way that inevitably conflicts with objective reality. Researching where everything seems as obvious, similar to a convex lens shifts the attention away from a fixed subject…that challenge is the new frontier to conquer.
Having a clear goal, and beginning to study man focusing on medical and biological routine, an analysis on and electrical basis has developed. Man just like a computer, is similar to a complex electrical device, and has been subjected to tests in electronic laboratories for electronic measurements. The results have given way to important and interesting considerations: Just as in an electronic device, man is also in need of stabilization.
PROTECT Is like a small man with an umbrella that resists the elements, and represents the desire to become the application of industrial protocol, capable to conform, and render bioelectrical compatible all products and accessories the man uses in everyday life, of which with the use of rubber and plastic has lost the essentials characteristics for correct functioning.
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